Monday, November 29, 2010

Staying True

   A few days ago in class we were talking about the characters in the play King Lear, and if we liked Cordelia. Now personally I like her because she took a stand for what she thought was right and didn't just go with what was the safest way. Some people in the class had a different view, they just wanted her to say she loved her dad like her sisters did; and then everything would have been fine for her. They think she should have just gone with the flow, and with those who had power over her. Then Ms. Romyn said something that made me think immediately to Sarah's Key. She said that if we were all to go along with everything even if you think it is not right or true, then should we have gone along with Hitler? This brought me back to my book and past discussions about the Holocaust. When I was younger someone in a class brought up the question why didn't the Jewish people just change their religion so they wouldn't get killed? Now this was obviously asked from a very naive sense, but it brings me back to what Ms. Romyn said. Why didn't they just go along with Hitler? Sarah and her family all wore the yellow star, and she was told to be proud of her religion. Why should they have to change their way of life and who they are for one person in power? If Sarah and her family did change their religion, which I assume is not as easy as it sounds, then they would have been loosing who they really are. Cordelia was not going to loose who she was just so she could get land, she stayed true to who she was. And so did Sarah's family, even though they knew that it could land them in trouble. We all shouldn't just go with what is deemed to be the best way. If we did then no one would have stood up to Hitler, and schools may still be segregated, our lives as we know it would be completely different. Everyone should stay true to who we are and what we believe.

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